Yesterday while getting on with my day I saw the coolest thing. I watched a Family of Geese milling about with no worries. Luckily they they were not crossing Streets or Highways but instead they were in the since on Private Property being in the Police Parking Structure. The few times I have seen a family of Geese it was always on the street and even though it may have been a time consuming waiting for them to cross Streets or Roads you just couldn’t help but be in awe of something walking other than you know the norm, people, dogs, cats, because they have no since of stop lights or any other such contraption that make us Humans stop and pay attention. And if you get to close you probably will get attack.

As I sit and look out the window before daybreak after work, I know these cars are moving quickly because the people driving are going to work. Good for at least one Family of Geese they dont have to cross this busy thoroughfare. But as far as these cars are moving it’s not safe for Humans either. I keep looking out the window and all I see is High Beams and fast moving vehicles.

All I know is when I need to cross the street I’m looking both ways multiple times before I cross because If I dont pay attention, nothing against the drivers but I dont need any accident by fast moving cars.

No matter what when possible try to look out for someone or something else because all things living deserve the right to keep living. That means all pets and other animals.

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